Examples: Protocol files
Here you can find examples of a log file, message file, and an activity protocol.
Log file Log.txt – Example (excerpt)
Read version D:\Visum\EXAMPLE.VER
Reading version from file, start at 5/27/10 16.19.26
5 Transport systems
3 Modes
3 Demand segments
1 Calendar period
1 Valid days
2 Vehicle units
2 Vehicle combinations
2 Directions
2 Operators
2 Points
2 Edges
2 Faces
2 Surfaces
9 Nodes
2 Zones
100 Link types
22 Links
56 Turns
4 Connectors
4 Stops
4 Stop areas
4 Stop points
4 Transfer walk times between stop areas
1 Fare systems
2 Lines
4 Line routes
4 Time profiles
12 vehicle journeys
4 Specific transition times
1 Block versions
3 Matrices
1 Time series
1 Demand time series
6 Goodness of PrT assignment
13 Turn standards
End time of Read version from file 5/27/10 16.19.26
27.05.10 16.25.55 Procedure - start
27.05.10 16.25.55 Start Procedure step 1: "PrT assignment"
The shortest path graph has been reduced by 61.5%
Iteration 1 DSeg C Routes tot. 1
The shortest path graph has been reduced by 61.5%
Iteration 1 DSeg H Routes tot. 1
The shortest path graph has been reduced by 61.5%
Iteration 2 DSeg C Routes tot. 2
The shortest path graph has been reduced by 61.5%
Iteration 2 DSeg H Routes tot. 1
The shortest path graph has been reduced by 61.5%
Iteration 3 DSeg C Routes tot. 3
The shortest path graph has been reduced by 61.5%
Iteration 3 DSeg H Routes tot. 2
Iteration 1 Network balancing partial step 1 modified OD pairs 1 totalExcessCost 1842164.00000000 avgExcessCost 837.34727273
Iteration 1 Network balancing partial step 2 modified OD pairs 0 totalExcessCost 46596.44689264 avgExcessCost 21.18020313
Iteration 1 Number of deleted paths after OD balancing 0
Iteration 1 Number of deleted paths after network balancing 0
The shortest path graph has been reduced by 61.5%
Iteration 2 DSeg Car Routes tot. 3 Routes new 0
The shortest path graph has been reduced by 61.5%
Iteration 2 DSeg HVeh Routes tot. 2 Routes new 0
Iteration 2 gap 0.01311459
Equilibrium assignment finished after 2 iteration steps
27.05.10 16.25.55 Time before WBRePack
27.05.10 16.25.55 Time after WBRePack
27.05.10 16.25.55 Time before WBRePack
27.05.10 16.25.55 Time after WBRePack
27.05.10 16.25.56 Start Procedure step 2: "PuT assignment"
Assignment with 3 computation core(s)
Assignment after Init 5/27/10 16.25.56
Search from zone 100: Search tree dimension = 28, time = 0s
Number of calculated search runs 1
Time Search = 0s
Time Choice = 0s
Time Storage = 0s
Time Skims = 0s
Time Summary = 0s
27.05.10 16.25.56 End of assignment
Save version D:\Visum\EXAMPLE_test
Message file Messages.txt
Save matrix E:\Usability\Quickstart\oev_test.MZW not possible!!
Incorrect skim parameters, no assignment result calculated
No OD demand for any OD pair. Assignment is not possible.
Activity protocol [Version name].trc
The file usually saves one row per operation. Each row consists of 5 entries which are separated by TAB:
<Time> <Record code> <User> <RefObject> <Description>
- <Time>
The <Time> field contains the timestamp of the execution (local time) in the format YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss Generally, the appropriate entry is written before an operation is executed so that crashes can be allocated.
- <Record code>
Field <Record code> may contain the following values:
Record code |
Meaning |
Transaction in Do-Direction: Start |
Transaction in Do-Direction: End (successful, commit) |
Transaction in Do-Direction: Cancelled (cancel) |
Transaction in Undo-Direction: Start |
Transaction in Undo-Direction: End |
Transaction in Redo-Direction: Start |
Transaction in Redo-Direction: End |
D |
Command (in Do/Redo-Direction) |
U |
Command (in Undo-Direction) |
F |
File-I/O (Version, Network, Subnetwork, Database) |
P |
Procedure (Assignment, ...) |
O |
Changes to trace settings |
C |
Comment (user entry ) (Adding a comment to the activity protocol)) |
/ |
Continuation line |
- <Reference object>
Record code |
Reference object |
Transactions start/ end/ canceled |
Empty |
Commands that refer to a single network object |
Name of the network object type + Blank + ExternalKeyString |
Other commands |
Empty |
File I/O |
File name, exceptions:
Procedure |
Reference object(s) Procedures |
Changes to trace settings |
Empty |
Comment |
Empty |
Continuation line |
Empty |
- <Description>
Depending on the trace level, field <Description> contains variably detailed descriptions of the operations.
Record code |
Trace level |
Description |
Transactions start/ end/ canceled |
>0 |
<Name of transaction> |
Create command |
>1 |
Create |
Edit command |
2 |
Edit |
3+4 |
Edit in the first row, in other rows each <Attribute short name>: <old value> -> <new value> (for all edited input attributes) |
Multi-edit command |
2 |
<Network object type> Multi-Edit |
3+4 |
in the first row <Network object type> Multi-Edit, Attribute <Attribute short name>, in any further row each <ExternalKeyString>: <old value> -> <new value> |
Delete command |
2+3 |
Delete |
4 |
Delete in the first row, in other rows each <Attribute short name>: <old value> (for all input attributes with a value different from the default value) |
Other commands |
>0 |
Individual descriptions |
File I/O |
>0 |
Save version to file / Save network / Save sub-network / Save database / Read version from file / Read network/database / Read network/database additively/ Read EDF / Read HAFAS / Read EMME / Read attributes |
Procedure |
>0 |
Consecutive number + Blank + Operation + Blank + Procedure / File |
Changes to trace settings |
All |
Trace on Level X / Trace off / New trace level X |
Comment |
All |
Text entry by user |
Example of an activity protocol of level 4: